Sunday 12 February 2017

Mock Results

Miserable mocks! I'm wishing everyone who is doing the mocks the best of luck. I still can feel the numbness of my hands from writing non stop, also the back troubles from the fabulous plastic seats provided. I know it is tough but believe me time really does fly- it will be over before you know it and mid-term will be here so hang in there. Here are a few tips on how to deal with your mock results. 

1.  Mocks are always harder: 
This is something you have heard more than likely numerous times but it's true. The mocks is basically the Leaving Certificate exam take 1, and you are only half way through the year, nobody is ready nor prepared for it. It will be really tough to get straight into exam mode when you more than likely have been in hibernation all during the Christmas holidays chained to a desk. I remember I was in my room so much during Christmas that I felt like I needed sunglasses going outside because the daylight was so bright to me. Some classes will have moved faster than others course content wise and you may not be ready for some questions asked, I remember being a nervous wreck as my math class had not even touched math paper 2 yet (Probability questions saved my life). It's important to know that your results should not matter as much, okay so you didn't do as well as you hoped but you did your best and look say you didn't so as much and you feel a little bit guilty, you have plenty of time to perfect it. The mocks are designed to help you get into the exam mode and get a feel for the exams and how to manage time. Believe me you may be pleasantly surprised by your results too, last year my classmates and I thought home economics went dreadful yet we did so well - Ms Stoddart had us well trained that we didn't even know it ourselves. Have a little confidence in yourselves and remember it's a trail run, the mocks are for mistakes to be made so you can learn from it. 

2. Rest, Rest and Rest 
Okay so a few may disagree with me on this point but as I said before the mocks are like the Leaving take 1, and that is a whole 2 weeks of exams, your brain will be fried. You do rest after this and this is what your mid-term is for. Now I'm not saying just take the whole week off but just have some time to yourself, go out, meet friends, binge watch a Netflix series, do what you want to do. I feel so me personally, I just felt too guilty about not studying so spent the whole week off studying, you know it's bad when you wake up on your study notes! I was completely wrecked and that honestly was how I felt for the rest of the year, this feeling of tiredness, went away Christmas 2016, yep that long! It damaged my health and if anything it damaged my points for the Leaving as I feel I could have performed better if I had of rested and took breaks. Do not be listening to how long anyone else has studied for or what results they got etc. At the end of the day your health is the main thing and a little saying I like is "What's for you, won't pass you." Honestly stress, tiredness and worry only makes you sick and unhappy. Work the best you can and also create time for yourself. 

3. Move on 
Okay so your get results and they may or may not be what you were expecting, so what? You have done your best, look over your exam and circle or write down parts that marked you down and note it for next time, even asking your teacher to have a second look for you will give you more advice for next time. To end on a funny note a friend of mine who I will not name as he will murder me, was looking at his English exam and was wondering why the examiner circled the author's name so much, he then approached his teacher and asked. Ms Curran had then told him that the author of Foster was Claire Keegan and not the actress/model Michelle Keegan, my friend learned his lesson and to this day he hasn't forgot the author's name since haha. Listen take it with a pinch of salt and move on, honestly you are doing great, just keep the head up high and keep smiling. 

I hoped this helped and best of luck with the rest of your exams. I will talk in my next blog about a college topic. 

Thanks for reading, 

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