Tuesday 28 February 2017

A Day In A Life Of A DCU Student

Hello dolls and gents, How are we?

I remember coming home from school and looking at college friend's snaps of college and being so jealous! However, what I tended to notice the most was snapchats of people going out etc. Being the mother in my group of friends, going out doesn't appeal to me as much. Instead, I was forever curious to see students day to day routine and what their college looked liked, just to get a feel of college itself. Although I do love seeing girl's fashion/makeup on a night-out. So I thought I would give you an insight into my college day and just what it's like to be a college student. Please note that I'm an Arts student so my timetable is very relaxed and not as intense as others. Hope you enjoy! 

So on a Tuesday I have the lovely 12pm start, so this means an extra hour of sleep! I went for a little black outfit today, to sum up this awful weather we are having, Sun please brace us with your presence again soon. 

So I had a seminar at 12, I have campus accommodation so I'm very fortunate that I live only 5mins away. Saying that, I am forever wanting to be early, but this case I was 10 minutes early, typical Niamh. Analysing Media Content seminar is basically our fellow classmates presenting on the previous week lecture topic. I had my presentation last week, we discussed how meaning is created through media using art work. My group and I discussed the work of Banksy. Presentations can be daunting and somewhat nerve-racking but everyone is super friendly as we know how scary it is. As soon as you start presenting the nerves disappear within seconds, and don't worry people do will understand your accent haha. 


I had a 2 hour break before I went to my English tutorial in All Hallows. So my friends and I went back to mines for a while and grabbed some lunch. I don't go out much but I still tend to be stuck on money due to my new obsession, Chai Tea Lattes. My lovely pal Meadhbh Kelly recomended this to me and I'm in love. I'm now a Chai Tea Latte addict and it doesn't help that the Starbucks just right beside my accommodation. Not going to lie, I had 3 today, sorry mum! To pass the time my talented young friend Shane McGinley played and sang us some tunes. Check out his facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/ShaneMcGinleyMusic/. It was a lovely chilled break. 

We then headed to All Hallows for our English Tutorial, I like the tutorial as we discuss what we found tough about a certain English Module the previous weeks. You are put into groups no more than 20, so you feel very relaxed and it's a great opportunity to ask questions and bond with people in your group. It's important to note that seminars and tutorials are marked on attendance, so be careful! 
Another hour break before poetry and drama in Pats, so this meant another Chai Tea Latte and a catch up with the girls! 

We had Poetry and Drama Lectures today, my two faves! Lectures is where you don't get much of a chance to ask questions as the lecturer needs to find in the topic content within the hour. I love poetry, learning about the structures and how getting inside the poet's mind. It's all very intriguing! 

Drama, my one and true love! Anyone who knows me, will be fully aware that I adore drama. When I heard we were studying this module, my heart skipped a beat. We learn about the playwright, themes, stage directions and characters. I just love love love it. A Doll's House is my favourite so far, Ibsen is one talented gent! 


Back home to Larkfield and I am wrecked, freezing and rather embarrassed falling on my behind on a Dublin bus. Spot the culchie- still haven't got the hang of the whole bus thing yet. I'm starting my poetry assignment and also creating ideas for my friends Ali, Ross and Liam's radio show 'Popcorn Culture' They discuss all the latest movies out and also remembering the classics! They are one talented bunch, tune in every Weds 9-10pm on DCU (Can you tell I want to do Public Relations in the future?) 
And my day is coming to an end, unforunately I forgot to make pancakes gutted. Here's to another famous 'Pasta and Sauce' night! The inner granny in me is in her pyjamas by 8pm and going to watch Eastenders on RTE player. I swear I am exciting another nights haha. 

Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely stress free week. Thanks for reading. 


Sunday 19 February 2017

Mind Yourself - My Leaving Cert Story

My Leaving Cert year on the outside seemed perfect, a leading part in the musical, being part of the student council team and not to mention getting to college. But on the inside it was constant stress, pressure, anxiety and constant despair. I felt as though I had no reason to feel like this so would put it aside everyday. Everyday began to feel like a week, the strain was getting too much and the Leaving Cert pressure destroyed my personality, I didn't know who I was anymore. This is a story about the beginning of my depression and my emotions and feelings. I know everyone's stories and emotions are completely different. The aim of this blog post is to help anyone that may feel somewhat the same or to tell people not to let the Leaving Cert get to you- you are much better than that. 

I haven't studied enough. I'm not going to get anywhere. 
School became a nightmare, classmates telling me how much they studied the previous night, how many grinds they attend. Sitting in a classroom feeling full of despair, 'I can't do this', 'I'm not like the others', 'I won't get to college' The thought process was non stop that I couldn't focus in class, constantly feeling sick, lunch was my only break. Coming home, I would eat my dinner and go straight to my desk for the night. 3 hours began to 4 hours, 4 hours began to pulling all nighters. I remember Mum and Dad being so concerned but I felt as though they didn't understand, this was something I had to do. Every night would lead to me crying endlessly in my pillow, wishing this year would be over. I would wake up, put my bag on my heavy shoulders and throw on my fake smile. 'Everything will be fine' I kept saying to myself - But it wasn't, I wasn't. 

The simple tasks like going to the shops made me feel nothing but guilt. Going to 18ths, shopping, even going on a school trip. I hated it, all I wanted to do was study, I began to feel exhausted and the sadness increased. There was also guilt because I was feeling sad, I had no reason to be, everything was fine, I was fine. People had bigger problems I would tell myself. I guess I was in denial that I was beginning to get depression. That's one thing to note, never ignore or feel guilty that you aren't feeling yourself, it's important to always be happy. 

Lashing out: 
I began to feel that nobody understood me, nobody knew the pressure I was under, when in fact every Leaving Cert student was feeling the same pressure. I would distance myself from my friends, boyfriend and even my family. I didn't want to talk to anyone or tell them how I was feeling. I felt a burden to people, an unnecessary one. My only companion was my studying essentials. I am so thankful that my loved ones stood by me but I then began to realise that something wasn't right and it was me. Always talk to someone about how you feel, and don't isolate yourself. The isolation leads to social anxiety, which is something I still to this day, need to improve. 

The Leaving Cert had changed who I was, it took me months to recover from it. All for what? A piece of paper saying congrats you remembered a heap of unnecessary stuff e.g algebra :) Listen, there is so much more to life than the piece of paper don't let it stop you from getting what you want. Do your best and the rest will sort itself out. I hope this helped in any shape or form and don't ever feel down. Remember everyone is in the same boat as you, together you all will do great! We don't have to discuss the Leaving 24/7, talk about Summer, Weekends, 18ths etc. Do what makes you happy, focus on yourself and your health. 

Stay happy always, 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

College Room - How to make it feel right at home

 I remember my first time entering my room, people were not and do not joke when they say that DCU Larkfield rooms is like a tiny shoebox. It was a tiny dull room, I spent the first few nights sobbing into a pillow wishing I was back home in my bedroom that I've been in since I was young. This little homebird wasn't ready to flee the nest, but as time progressed I finally began to add touches here and there to my little room and now it feels like I'm right at home. Here are a few ideas to make your home feel cosy and make you feel like yours. 

 I filled my empty clipboard with some inspirational little quotes & happy thoughts. I personally love to be feeling motivated every morning and the use of colour makes the room stand out that bit more. Whether it be quotes, pictures etc Just something you have a passion for it really helps you feel better!


Pennys is my favourite place at the moment as they have such lovely homeware stuff. I stumbled across these and had to get them. Each cost around 3 euro each which isn't bad at all. It makes the place feel more homely. 

There was a blank space in my room with nothing there which constanly annoyed me, so one day I basically found some string, went to the Spar on campus to buy pegs and came up with this idea -I'm crazy for the inspirational quotes I know haha. But that's me and I feel that it is really important that your room is how you should like it, because a happy environment is crucial especially if you are going to spend a whole 9 months there. 
Pictures from home, I adore having these pictures in my room as I feel each picture holds a great memory. I love telling all my friends about the people in every photo so they get to know more about me. My boyfriend Gavin, Mum and Sister feature in these two pictures, they all hold a special place in both my heart and my room.

One thing I love about home is that mum always has the place smelling like Christmas! I love it, so she bought me this scented envelope sachet because I adore candles but have a very bad habit of forgetting to blow them out. You simply place this on your radiator and within seconds your room is smelling just like home. All my friends are forever commenting on the Christmas/Winter smell and how nice it is. 

Fairy lights! My absolute favourite thing about my room. Fairy lights just provide the ultimate chill vibes. I love coming home after a long day, putting on my pyjamas, make a big cup of tea, put the fairy lights on and watch Eastenders on RTE player. I know what you are all thinking, what a crazy college student Niamh is! They just add such a cosy feel to everything and I also bought these in Pennys for 4 euro so you aren't robbing a bank, battery operated too so you're saving on the good old electricity. 

I hope you liked some of my ideas, and don't be afraid to express yourself as it's your room and your space! Room decorating is my favourite thing about college, you don't have to spend loads of money either, just use your imagination! I hope this helped and talk soon :) 

Sunday 12 February 2017

Mock Results

Miserable mocks! I'm wishing everyone who is doing the mocks the best of luck. I still can feel the numbness of my hands from writing non stop, also the back troubles from the fabulous plastic seats provided. I know it is tough but believe me time really does fly- it will be over before you know it and mid-term will be here so hang in there. Here are a few tips on how to deal with your mock results. 

1.  Mocks are always harder: 
This is something you have heard more than likely numerous times but it's true. The mocks is basically the Leaving Certificate exam take 1, and you are only half way through the year, nobody is ready nor prepared for it. It will be really tough to get straight into exam mode when you more than likely have been in hibernation all during the Christmas holidays chained to a desk. I remember I was in my room so much during Christmas that I felt like I needed sunglasses going outside because the daylight was so bright to me. Some classes will have moved faster than others course content wise and you may not be ready for some questions asked, I remember being a nervous wreck as my math class had not even touched math paper 2 yet (Probability questions saved my life). It's important to know that your results should not matter as much, okay so you didn't do as well as you hoped but you did your best and look say you didn't so as much and you feel a little bit guilty, you have plenty of time to perfect it. The mocks are designed to help you get into the exam mode and get a feel for the exams and how to manage time. Believe me you may be pleasantly surprised by your results too, last year my classmates and I thought home economics went dreadful yet we did so well - Ms Stoddart had us well trained that we didn't even know it ourselves. Have a little confidence in yourselves and remember it's a trail run, the mocks are for mistakes to be made so you can learn from it. 

2. Rest, Rest and Rest 
Okay so a few may disagree with me on this point but as I said before the mocks are like the Leaving take 1, and that is a whole 2 weeks of exams, your brain will be fried. You do rest after this and this is what your mid-term is for. Now I'm not saying just take the whole week off but just have some time to yourself, go out, meet friends, binge watch a Netflix series, do what you want to do. I feel so me personally, I just felt too guilty about not studying so spent the whole week off studying, you know it's bad when you wake up on your study notes! I was completely wrecked and that honestly was how I felt for the rest of the year, this feeling of tiredness, went away Christmas 2016, yep that long! It damaged my health and if anything it damaged my points for the Leaving as I feel I could have performed better if I had of rested and took breaks. Do not be listening to how long anyone else has studied for or what results they got etc. At the end of the day your health is the main thing and a little saying I like is "What's for you, won't pass you." Honestly stress, tiredness and worry only makes you sick and unhappy. Work the best you can and also create time for yourself. 

3. Move on 
Okay so your get results and they may or may not be what you were expecting, so what? You have done your best, look over your exam and circle or write down parts that marked you down and note it for next time, even asking your teacher to have a second look for you will give you more advice for next time. To end on a funny note a friend of mine who I will not name as he will murder me, was looking at his English exam and was wondering why the examiner circled the author's name so much, he then approached his teacher and asked. Ms Curran had then told him that the author of Foster was Claire Keegan and not the actress/model Michelle Keegan, my friend learned his lesson and to this day he hasn't forgot the author's name since haha. Listen take it with a pinch of salt and move on, honestly you are doing great, just keep the head up high and keep smiling. 

I hoped this helped and best of luck with the rest of your exams. I will talk in my next blog about a college topic. 

Thanks for reading, 

Saturday 11 February 2017

Welcome to Country2College

Hello and welcome to my blog Country2College! This is a blog for those students who are worrying about the pressures of the dreaded Leaving Cert and also wondering about the real truth of college life. 

I am a first year student in Dublin City University currently studying Media and English. I have also been the in the position last year of having nothing but constant doubt, stress and worry on your mind 24/7, and believe me it isn't nice. However, I can tell you that it will get better and that all that is on my mind now is when I'll see the media girls next for a catch up and do I have enough beans for my one of a kind beans on toast dinner. It s a tough year but you will come out the other side with a big grin on your face. 

This blog is just going to be about my experiences last year and tips on how to not pull your hair out and also some college advice from apartment DIY, food shopping, making friends, fitting in etc. I hope this blog can help you in any shape or form as I know for me personally I had no idea what lay ahead after the Leaving Cert and it was a constant worry for me. 

I hope you enjoy and I look forward to blog soon. Have a lovely weekend and remember to keep calm. 




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College Expectations!

Guess who is back blogging?!? Hi Dolls and Gents,  It's been quite a long time since I blogged - I've just been very b...