Thursday 13 April 2017

My First College Year Experience: Loves and Regrets

Hi dolls and gents, 

I am still in shock typing this coming to the realisation that my first year of college is soon going to be over. Where did the time go? It only seems like yesterday that Dad took me up to Dublin and gave me the whole pep talk about starting my brand new chapter. What a chapter it has been, I have grown as person and grown a love for DCU. There is so much of the year that I loved and I also have a few regrets. Here are my loves and regrets of Fresher life - Enjoy x

Loves πŸ’–

πŸ’– New friends -  Like every first year my biggest fear was that I wouldn't make any friends, I was so wrong. From the very first week I was blessed to meet these lovely people (Nollaig, Ciara and Luke missing). We automatically clicked as a group, I will have such fond memories of everyone cramming into my shoebox room and just talking and laughing for hours on end. Never worry about not making friends, everyone is in the same position and you will meet people, if I can find a lovely bunch, you certainly can. I do believe in the saying your college friends will be your friends for life. 

πŸ’–Her Campus/DCU 
Her Campus DCU is a website dedicated to female student writers, who get to write about their passions. I am lucky enough to be apart of Her Campus DCU ,I absolutely adore it. To get the chance to write alongside such talented writers is amazing. I am delighted to say that Her Campus will be an official society in September, if you are thinking of joining DCU and have a passion for writing, you will love this society.
πŸ’–  Less Stress
What I love about college is that there is no stress anymore, no 7 subjects, no Leaving Cert. It's just studying the course you picked and the subjects you love. I guess having stressed so much all last year, I loved de-stressing and most importantly finding myself again in collehe. The Leaving Cert for me personally was very soul damaging but DCU saved me. 

Regrets: πŸ‘Ž

πŸ‘ŽNot getting involved in many clubs and socs: 
Definitely something I regret. Clubs and Socs are a great way to get involved and most importantly make friends. I felt too scared to get involved and partly was lazy but seeing how people achieve in clubs and socs and grow so much experience from it. It is definitely something I want to change for 2nd year. DCU have a great variety of clubs and societies.
I let my anxiety get the better of me from time to time and tend to stay in my room after college to focus on college work. I didn't go out much due to worry but it's something I need to stop! Push yourselves and great things will come your way. 

I don't have much regrets as DCU has been and will continue to be a great place. So much great things has happened in this one spot in the town that is Glasnevin! I can't wait for more πŸ’–πŸ’–

Take Care and Talk Soon, 


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